Wednesday, December 28, 2016

That's Enough, 2016.

I sat down the evening of Christmas, ready to relax and do some mindless scrolling through social media. I refreshed my Facebook feed, and there it was...the shocking BuzzFeed headline:

Singer George Michael Dies At 53

I gasped out loud and did a double-take. Then I checked Twitter, because for some reason when I hear horrible news, I won't believe it's true until I've read it on Twitter. The story was all over my timeline there too, so I knew it was the truth. My heart broke into a million little pieces. 2016 had claimed yet another pop music icon.

Out of all the pop stars we've lost this year, this one has hit me the hardest. Bowie and Prince were amazing talents, but their music wasn't as...I don't know...accessible to me as George Michael's was. Elementary school me could appreciate a bouncy pop song, of which GM had plenty. Plus, there was no denying the man was a total hottie. I was 9 years old in 1987 when George released "Faith," which was just the right age for my friends and I to admire the way he rocked those jeans in the iconic music video. What I didn't appreciate enough back then is something I've realized as I've been revisiting his music these past few days -- he. could. SING. His voice was filled with soul, and his phrasing and inflections were flawless. Thank @God these recordings will endure and help us to remember his talent.

Here are some articles that explain his legacy way better than I can...

Now excuse me, I have to go try to get over Carrie Fisher's death. #dammit2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

Color & Number Word Flash Cards

We've been in school a month, and I still have some students that are struggling with basic color and number words. Sooo, it's time to drill down and get these mastered. I made these small flash cards to help us get some additional practice. I laminated the cards and put them on binder rings, making them easily portable. I can grab them and take them with us to practice during restroom breaks.

color words

number words

I also printed another set of the color word cards to add to our word wall. I'm sure all you creative teachers out there can come up with a million other uses for them. Sharing is caring, so you can grab these on Teachers Pay Teachers for FREE! Click here to download and enjoy!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Stranger Things

wino forever
If you're a Netflix subscriber and haven't checked out their original series Stranger Things yet, you should get on that ASAP. I finally took the time to watch it this week, and it's definitely one of the best (if not THE best) things I've seen on TV this year. I was thrilled by it. I was moved by it. I was taken back to my 80s childhood by it. I wish I could watch it all over again for the first time. I'm obsessed to the point of stalking the cast's Instagram accounts, haha. Feel free to do the same, or enjoy some other cool Stranger Things-things I've found around the internets...

  • Make It Stranger - How awesome was the retro title sequence? You can strangify your own text with this fun little online tool. 
  • The Duffer Brothers on EW - How did Winona Ryder get involved with the series? What happened when Millie Bobbie Brown got that buzzcut? Find out the answers to these questions and more by reading the short, trivia-filled articles the show's creators wrote about each episode for Entertainment Weekly.
  • Stranger Things & its influences - Throughout the show, there are obvious callbacks to the great scifi/fantasy films of the 70s and 80s, and there are others you may not have noticed. This great video is a montage of Stranger Things scenes shown side-by-side with the classic movie scenes being referenced.
  • Film References A-Z - Speaking of film references, Vulture put together a glossary of every one made in the series. I have the urge to rewatch, or in some cases watch for the first time, all the movies on this list!
  • Barb Appreciation - We were simply not worthy of Queen Barbyonce.
Thankfully, this week Netflix announced there will be a second season of the show. Until it returns, remember this...

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Here we are, on the last day of August, and it seems as good a day as any to write my first blog post. I've been wanting to venture into the world of blogging for a while now. I thought about creating a food blog, and even read a book about it. Ultimately though, I decided my blog theme should be less limited in order to give myself an outlet to talk about all the different things I'm loving and feeling passionate about. So, I've chosen the name Eat. Teach. Love. for my blog.
  • Eat: Don't worry, food definitely IS a thing I love and am passionate about, so you can expect to find food posts here. ;) I really enjoy baking...I'm a total amateur at it, but there's something relaxing about it. Satisfaction is biting into a perfectly baked, warm, gooey, chocolate chip muffin. I plan to share some recipes here, and maybe I'll even talk about yummy food I've been eating lately.
  • Teach: I'm in my fourth year of teaching elementary school. I spent my first two years teaching 5th grade, and now I'm on my second year of teaching 1st grade. Moving from 5th to 1st was a huge adjustment for me, and really, I feel like I'm still adjusting. My job is challenging, but I love every second of it, and I'm excited to write about my experiences here.
  • Love: I've discovered so many wonderful things through blogs and other social media, so I hope to sort of "pay it forward" here. I can't wait to post about the stuff I have mad love for, whether it's a fun podcast I've been listening to, an awesome new Netflix show, or a great book I can't put down.
Thanks for visiting and reading about my plans for this little space on the web. Come back soon!