Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Here we are, on the last day of August, and it seems as good a day as any to write my first blog post. I've been wanting to venture into the world of blogging for a while now. I thought about creating a food blog, and even read a book about it. Ultimately though, I decided my blog theme should be less limited in order to give myself an outlet to talk about all the different things I'm loving and feeling passionate about. So, I've chosen the name Eat. Teach. Love. for my blog.
  • Eat: Don't worry, food definitely IS a thing I love and am passionate about, so you can expect to find food posts here. ;) I really enjoy baking...I'm a total amateur at it, but there's something relaxing about it. Satisfaction is biting into a perfectly baked, warm, gooey, chocolate chip muffin. I plan to share some recipes here, and maybe I'll even talk about yummy food I've been eating lately.
  • Teach: I'm in my fourth year of teaching elementary school. I spent my first two years teaching 5th grade, and now I'm on my second year of teaching 1st grade. Moving from 5th to 1st was a huge adjustment for me, and really, I feel like I'm still adjusting. My job is challenging, but I love every second of it, and I'm excited to write about my experiences here.
  • Love: I've discovered so many wonderful things through blogs and other social media, so I hope to sort of "pay it forward" here. I can't wait to post about the stuff I have mad love for, whether it's a fun podcast I've been listening to, an awesome new Netflix show, or a great book I can't put down.
Thanks for visiting and reading about my plans for this little space on the web. Come back soon!