Wednesday, December 28, 2016

That's Enough, 2016.

I sat down the evening of Christmas, ready to relax and do some mindless scrolling through social media. I refreshed my Facebook feed, and there it was...the shocking BuzzFeed headline:

Singer George Michael Dies At 53

I gasped out loud and did a double-take. Then I checked Twitter, because for some reason when I hear horrible news, I won't believe it's true until I've read it on Twitter. The story was all over my timeline there too, so I knew it was the truth. My heart broke into a million little pieces. 2016 had claimed yet another pop music icon.

Out of all the pop stars we've lost this year, this one has hit me the hardest. Bowie and Prince were amazing talents, but their music wasn't as...I don't know...accessible to me as George Michael's was. Elementary school me could appreciate a bouncy pop song, of which GM had plenty. Plus, there was no denying the man was a total hottie. I was 9 years old in 1987 when George released "Faith," which was just the right age for my friends and I to admire the way he rocked those jeans in the iconic music video. What I didn't appreciate enough back then is something I've realized as I've been revisiting his music these past few days -- he. could. SING. His voice was filled with soul, and his phrasing and inflections were flawless. Thank @God these recordings will endure and help us to remember his talent.

Here are some articles that explain his legacy way better than I can...

Now excuse me, I have to go try to get over Carrie Fisher's death. #dammit2016